PROUTEMPLOYER Discovery (2014-2020)

“We are firmly convinced that only an open and inclusive working environment allows employees to develop both their creativity and their productivity to the full.”

Oliver Donks was born in Duisburg and grew up in the Rhine-Main area. After working at several TV stations and media companies in Frankfurt, Luxembourg, Dortmund and Cologne, he joined Discovery Germany as BSO manager in Munich in 2008. Oliver Donks took over as co-chair of the local priDe group in 2015 and has already organised a large number of LGBT events with his team.

Mr Donks, Discovery Network in Germany has been part of the PROUT EMPLOYER cooperation since 2014 and therefore almost as long as our foundation PROUT AT WORK has existed. What prompted you to become a PROUT EMPLOYER so early on?


Even before PROUT AT WORK was founded, we were actively represented in LGBT associations by our companies in other countries. So we were all the more delighted when in 2014 PROUT AT WORK was launched in Germany. Diversity and equality have always been among our core values and integral parts of our corporate philosophy. We are firmly convinced that only an open and inclusive working environment allows employees to develop both their creativity and their productivity to the full.

“On top of that, in my function as a role model, I’d like to motivate other colleagues to be open about this topic at work because a particularly large number of young people no longer openly live their sexual orientation once they start their working lives.”

What activities are there at Discovery in terms of LGBT*IQ diversity?


Our priDe group offers a broad range of activities. They include the annual priDe parades, a self-organised panel discussion, voluntary work at an Aids charity as part of our Impact Day and an employee breakfast where we present the topics that we are focusing on. In addition, there are numerous activities in smaller groups aimed at further improving working conditions for LGBTI.

Alongside your main job, you are co-chair of Discovery priDe’s LGBT*IQ network. Why is it a matter close to your heart to support LGBT*IQ?


I’m involved with priDe Germany first and foremost to improve the working environment especially for LGBTI. On top of that, in my function as a role model, I’d like to motivate other colleagues to be open about this topic at work because a particularly large number of young people no longer openly live their sexual orientation once they start their working lives.

Where do you see challenges and opportunities for LGBT*IQ diversity in your company in the coming years?


I see great opportunities especially as our work enables us to present Discovery as a progressive and innovative employer in the difficult market for skilled professionals and thus to increase our attractiveness in particular among young people.

Mr Donks, many thanks for talking to us!